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The following is a method I use for preventing sickness … it works every time! However, there is one "catch" ... you must perform the following steps at the first sign of sickness.

STEP 1: Reduce activities that are known to weaken the immunity system … i.e., sugar, anxiety, many drugs.

STEP 2: Modify diet by reducing animal fats and increasing fruits / vegetables … consume liquids like fruit juices and water.

STEP 3: Get adequate relaxation … use a relaxation tape.

STEP 4: Boost you immunity by stimulating the "immunity gland" … the thymus. Do this by consuming zinc (must be allowed to dissolve in the mouth), selenium, vitamin C, vitamin B6

STEP 5: Use time-honored "natural" support like Echinacea (liquid form), Shiitake mushroom, Kombucha tea, green tea, …

Use this procedure prior to getting sick … do it at the first sign of sickness and you will head it off. However, if you wait until the sickness has a toehold on you then it is usually too late and you must wait for the disease to run it's course … On a positive note, if you practice this method during sickness, it will most likely run it's minimal course.

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